Im Back to Take You Down Again Onikage

Gender Male
Occupation Master Shinobi
Affiliation Azuma Ninja Clan
House of Gohda
Weapon Izayoi
Condition Alive
Starting time Advent Tenchu: Stealth Assassins

Rikimaru (力丸 , Rikimaru ? ) is a chief ninja and the leader of the Azuma Ninja Clan, a loyal spy of Lord Gohda and his country. Raised in the way of the ninja by Azuma Shiunsai, Rikimaru became perchance the youngest leader of the Azuma Ninja ever, after a series of harrowing trials early in the reign of Lord Gohda.


  • 1 Biography
    • 1.1 Early Life
    • 1.two Burning Dawn Crunch
    • 1.3 Lord Mei-Oh
    • one.4 Rikimaru's Return
    • 1.5 Onikage's Wrath
  • ii Skills and Abilities
  • 3 Personality and Appearance
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Azuma Shiunsai
    • 4.2 Ayame
    • 4.three Tatsumaru
    • iv.four Lord Gohda
  • five Trivia
  • half dozen Gallery


Early Life

Rikimaru was born the son of a samurai. When he was only an infant, Azuma Shiunsai was ordered to assassinate Rikimaru'south father. He did and so, but on the way out of the family home, the Azuma Ninja came across Rikimaru'due south female parent and a retainer. The ninja dispatched both the adults, but Azuma Shiunsai stayed his hands from killing the kid. Seeing potential in the boy, he took him equally a student.

Initially, the young boy was something of a weakling. Azuma Shiunsai motivated him and trained him hard. This infrequent tutelage, combined with daily sparring sessions with his clan member Tatsumaru and new member Ayame, and took the scrawny child and turned him into a talented and mortiferous young human. At the age of eighteen, Rikimaru was made an Azuma Ninja.

Burning Dawn Crunch

Following the decease of Lord Gohda's begetter, the Gohda Castle was split between Gohda Matsunoshin, the rightful heir, and Gohda Motohide, his uncle. A rebellion bankrupt out and Godha Motohide's forces attacked Gohda Castle. At a loss for how to respond, Gohda's counselor Sekiya Naotada requested the aid of the Azuma Ninja. Azuma Shiunsai dispatched his trio of students: Tatsumaru, Rikimaru, and Ayame, to aid their lord, simply not before passing on the leadership of the Azuma Ninja to Tatsumaru and giving him the ancestral sword of the Azuma Ninja - Izayoi.

In the anarchy of the castle battle, Tatsumaru sent Rikimaru to save Lord Gohda. Rikimaru fought his style through the castle keep and came upon Godha Matsunoshin and Godha Motohide dueling. He pigeon into the fight, dueling Godha Motohide and knocked him downwards. As he prepared to deliver the killing blow, Lord Gohda got in the way and Rikimaru accidentally struck his lord instead. Once they escaped the besieged castle, Lord Gohda was informed that his enemy, Toda Yoshisada, was attacked from across the border.

Rikimaru went to Lord Toda'south army camp, intending to dispatch Lord Toda himself. When he arrived, however, he was confronted by Suzaku, one of Lord Toda'southward ninjas. By the time their brief duel had ended and Rikimaru entered Lord Toda's sanctum, both Lord Toda and Godha Motohide were already expressionless. Drawn by the sounds of boxing, Rikimaru encountered Ayame and Princess Kiku, only to discover Tatsumaru embroiled in combat with a female person ninja. Before either of the younger Azuma Ninja could intervene, both Tatsumaru and his enemy fell into the bounding main.

In the aftermath of the rebellion, Rikimaru was sent to investigate the disappearance of villagers on "Demon Mountain". Arriving, he dispatched the ninjas there, besides as their leader, Kamadoma. Following a pb from one of the villagers, he uncovered a Surreptitious Harbor where Chinese pirates were taking Lord Gohda'south villagers every bit slaves. After killing off the pirates and their leader, Wang Xiaohai, Rikimaru was attacked by a masked man. The ii fought briefly before Rikimaru recognized the stranger'southward weapon which looked like Izayoi. When the man removed his mask, he revealed himself to be Tatsumaru, calling himself Seiryu, the Blue Dragon, Lord of the Called-for Dawn, Tatsumaru left before Rikimaru could get any more information from him.

Rikimaru was side by side sent to investigate an set on on a temple by Burning Dawn ninja. Killing his way to the temple's Noh stage, he in one case again encountered Suzaku, merely a adult female, named Yukihotaru, blocked his mode so Suzaku can abscond before Rikimaru could face him. A carrier pigeon brought Rikimaru word that the Azuma Village was under set on, simply by the time he returned, most of the villagers had been killed. At the hamlet entrance, Rikimaru squared off with the aforementioned ninja who had been fighting Tatsumaru at Lord Toda's military camp. She introduced herself as Lady Kagami, leader of the Burning Dawn.

Rikimaru was able to wipe out all the Burning Dawn ninja in his village, but even equally he slew the concluding of them, an anguished cry echoed through the air. Rikimaru returned to Azuma Shiunsai's house simply to discover Tatsumaru, with Izayoi drawn, standing over the mortally wounded body of his master. The two Azuma Ninja fought and Rikimaru'due south rage led him to briefly proceeds the upper manus, knocking Tatsumaru to the basis and standing poised to deliver the killing accident. In this position, however, he hesitated, his passions were warring with each other, acrimony at his principal'south decease against his beloved for Tatsumaru. Tatsumaru took reward of Rikimaru'south hesitation and struck him with Izayoi, leaving a bloody gash on his heart. Tatsumaru escaped with Lady Kagami and with his dying jiff, the master ordered Rikimaru to recover the sword and to fight without passion.

Chasing Tatsumaru with the assist of Semimaru, Rikimaru came beyond Ayame. Though he vowed to kill Tatsumaru, Ayame angrily forbade him to do so, maxim that she herself would kill Tatsumaru. Mistakenly bold that she was saying this merely considering she herself would human activity with dispassionate selflessness, Rikimaru agreed and the two ninjas tracked Tatsumaru to the Kansen Cave. Later on killing Byakko, the White Tiger, and his pet Jirru, the Azuma infiltrated the caverns and discovered Lady Kagami's warship, the Fire Demon. They also overheard Lady Kagami planning to launch the transport and attack Gohda Castle. Rikimaru went back to warn Lord Gohda, while Ayame boarded the Fire Demon in secret.

Arriving only before the transport, Rikimaru was sent to eliminate the Burning Dawn. He crept from boat to gunkhole in the harbor, killing Burning Dawn ninja, earlier encountering Suzaku yet again. The ii dueled and this time Rikimaru struck his enemy down. He boarded the Burn down Demon and killed many of the ninjas in that location until he found Ayame on the foredeck of ane of the ships, she held Izayoi in her paw and Tatsumaru lay dead at her feet. Ayame tossed the bequeathed sword to Rikimaru, who caught it and set up out to terminate the final enemy.

He institute Lady Kagami on a Noh phase in the very aft of the primal ship. The two warriors dueled, Lady Kagami speedily tossing bated her fan and attacking with her long sword. Though the battle was fierce, Rikimaru struck a fatal blow on his enemy and in doing so fully causeless his office every bit the Azuma Ninja Chief.

"You remember you have destroyed my dream...past killing me...but my dream lives! You can not end information technology from coming true, considering...we will pay whatsoever toll...for freedom! Freedom! But you...only a fool, follows the rules without questioning them...and fools Ahh!"
Lady Kagami in Tenchu 2
"Hmph. I'll happily suffer the title of 'fool' if it ways I can save even one life from your blood-drenched dream! Cheerio, Kagami."
Rikimaru in Tenchu ii

Rikimaru searched the ship for Ayame, merely could non find her and with no other option, he pigeon off and reported his victory to Lord Gohda, who had his archers fire flaming arrows to destroy the ship. The mean solar day subsequently the battle, Rikimaru discovered Ayame finishing a makeshift grave for Tatsumaru at the seaside. He vowed to serve Lord Gohda, while she vowed to protect Princess Kiku at all costs.

Lord Mei-Oh

Rikimaru in the original Tenchu

In the backwash of the Burning Dawn Crisis, Rikimaru moved the Azuma Ninja association to Gohda Castle, presumably for a number of reasons (they were better able to protect Lord Gohda if they were close and with so many haunting memories in what remained of the Azuma Village, it would accept been painful for both him and Ayame to remain there.) For the side by side seven years, both he and Ayame trained constantly and their skills improved to even greater levels than they had been.

Vii years subsequently the Burning Dawn was destroyed, on a mission for Lord Gohda, Rikimaru came across a mysterious warrior named Onikage. Onikage fled, just Rikimaru was to see him several more than times in the coming days and weeks. Finally, Onikage revealed that he was working for Lord Mei-Oh, the Lord of the Underworld and that Princess Kiku had been kidnapped and taken to the underworld. Both Rikimaru and Ayame fix out to rescue her.

In a vicious duel, Rikimaru finally killed Onikage - unknowingly striking downwardly Suzaku, the enemy of his younger days. The Azuma Ninja descended into Hell itself, where Rikimaru fought and defeated Lord Mei-Oh and Ayame rescued Princess Kiku. While they ran to escape, a cave-in blocked their path, with the ceiling near to autumn, Rikimaru fix aside Izayoi, lifted the boulder blocking the path, and ordered Ayame to have Princess Kiku and Izayoi and escaped. The two of them escaped the tunnel, just earlier the rocks buried it completely. Ayame stuck Izayoi into the ground as a grave marker for Rikimaru. Then, Ayame, Lord Gohda, and Princess Kiku wait off to the rising sun.

Rikimaru's Render

Rikimaru miraculously survived jumping into the portal Mei-Oh fled into. For a while, Rikimaru was in the time to come fighting an evil cyberized CEO who had created a mortiferous virus selling the cure for a high profit.

His shadow remained to chase down Gohda'due south rogue statesman Nasu who was working with Echigoya.

Onikage'due south Wrath

Skills and Abilities

Rikimaru is an incredibly talented Azuma ninjutsu fashion master swordsman, skilled in both kenjutsu and iaijutsu and was from a young age, on into his adulthood. In his youth, Rikimaru held his sword behind his back when in combat. A very anarchistic style of the Azuma. He also mastered a more conventional sword fighting style of the Azuma by his adulthood,

Main Rikimaru preparing for combat against Suzaku the Red Sparrow ninja

where he would concord his sword in forepart of his trunk. While maintaining a solid balance in both styles. His attacks were swift and straightforward often existence aggressive in combat. Though he was also known to be defensive in combat when blocking and evading enemy attacks altogether and and then counterattacking. He defeated several skilled warriors such equally Suzaku, Lady Kagami, Rinshi, Senjuro Akechi (Myojinsoga fashion swordsmanship Master) and overpowered Tatsumaru and even won a one-on-one duel with Lord Mei-Oh and Tenrai himself. As an Azuma Ninja, Rikimaru is capable of perfect stealth, hitting from the shadows unseen, unheard, and vanishing without a trace. This has been expressed in his skill and experience when killing enemy ninja, ronin, and samurai.

Azuma Ryu combat skills

In his youth, Rikimaru had near perfect physical combat technique just lacked the mental self-field of study to fight without passion. Toward the terminate of the Burning Dawn War, he finally mastered his emotions and was able to confront and defeat Lady Kagami with a clear mind in battle. His power to focus dispassionately on the achievement of his mission makes him even deadlier.

As seen in his adulthood, Rikimaru has expressed great skill in the more advanced arts of Azuma-Ryu ninjutsu. Some of these include Hensojutsu (Chameleon Art), Taijutsu (Body Art), Kenjutsu (Sword Art), a modest example of Sojutsu (Spear Art), and Kyujutsu (Archery Fine art), but more recently, the Azuma Ninja Primary has shown dandy skill in Suijutsu (Pond Art) and Suirenjutsu (Water Survival Art). This is expressed when grabbing unaware enemies and pulling them underwater and drowning them, forth with hiding underwater to avoid detection by the enemy. His mastery of Intonjutsu, (Escaping and Concealment Art) has been shown through the use of smoke bombs to mask his escape and silent entry. Able to sneak up on nearly, if non all enemies, and employ Azuma fashion unarmed silent combat techniques to subdue them, in most cases lethal force.

Although non-lethal forcefulness is taught as well within the Azuma Shinobi-Ryu,

Azuma Principal Rikimaru using stealth killing techniques

equally seen through his students using not-lethal techniques. These unarmed combat techniques accept shown Azuma Ninja Master, consistently removing the sword from enemy scabbards and performing stealth kills. Though not too much of his Azuma-taijutsu skills have been seen in great item, we accept seen some techniques in combination with his Azuma-jutaijutsu skills. Either way, Rikimaru is truly a master in Azuma unarmed combat, and a visual representation of Ninjutsu.

In Tenchu 3: Wrath of Sky, he mastered 1 ultimate skill named Wrath of Heaven, where he tin instantly impale any enemy with ane blow, merely critically damaged himself at price.

Personality and Appearance

Early on on, Rikimaru had many of the characteristics he would display for the residual of his life: he was totally loyal to the state of Lord Gohda: stoic, serious, disciplined, and utterly devoid of a sense of humor. He was besides brash, over-confident, and known to requite in to swell acrimony on rare occasions. These latter traits were burned out of Rikimaru after his failure to kill Tatsumaru and by the time he killed Lady Kagami, he had transcended to a higher level of spiritual self-command. Due to the numerous wars, he has silently fought in, these experiences have undoubtedly tested his spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional control to the fullest extent. Besides as his sense of duty to the Azuma association and the country of Gohda.

Though not intended to be the Azuma Ninja Primary at 18 years former, Rikimaru took to lead very well. His loyalty to the country of Gohda made him an extremely reliable pick to employ for espionage against neighboring countries and when left with no 1 to command him, he had a knack for decisiveness and leadership and subsequently in life, in his adulthood, teaching the Azuma techniques to his two students, the next generation of Azuma clan.

Rikimaru usually wears a mask over the lower portion of his face (in his late twenties mayhap very early thirties he chose to wear an oni-mask), though he rarely lowers it.

Azuma Main Rikimaru issuing orders to his students

He has a distinctive scar over his right eye acquired by the Izayois blade, the upshot of combat with Tatsumaru. He dresses in dark colors, usually black or dark green, with gray undertones and has very unusual snowfall-white pilus, with an able-bodied build to his physique.

As the leader of the Azuma Ninja clan, Rikimaru firmly follows tradition and wields the ancestral sword Izayoi. In his youth, he good an unorthodox style of kenjutsu, holding his blade behind his dorsum and leading with his opposite hand. Afterward the war with the Burning Dawn and seven years of grueling Azum-Ryu preparation, he adopted a more conventional style of property his ninjato before his body. Either way, he is a main of both sword styles.


Azuma Shiunsai

Rikimaru was a very respectful disciple of Azuma Shiunsai and the life of the ninja was the just ane he remembered. Equally such, he was devastated when his principal died, just by the time he could avenge the murder, he had let his anger requite way to peace of listen.


"I'm going with you to Gohda Castle."
"I'm glad."

Ayame is a clouded matter. She has shown feelings for Tatsumaru and treats Rikimaru only every bit a companion. Even though both of them show loyalty and respect towards each other, not much pity is felt between them. This may be an illustration of the harsh life they take on together. Not much is told about their relationship (bated from being partners and being raised past Master Shiunsai).


Rikimaru and Tatsumaru were as shut as brothers and Rikimaru respected and admired his senior. As such, he felt personally betrayed when Tatsumaru turned down the Azuma clan and was consumed with rage when Tatsumaru killed Shiunsai. The scar on his right eye was the result when he confronted Tatsumaru at the time Tatsumaru killed Shiunsai.

Lord Gohda

"I wish only to serve Lord Gohda."
Rikimaru, after the Called-for Dawn Crunch.

Rikimaru has e'er been an extremely devoted spy of the Gohda family. His loyalty has never faltered and as he proved with Ayame and Princess Kiku, he was willing to sacrifice himself at a moment's notice for them.


  • Rikimaru's proper name is equanimous by 力 (riki) meaning "ability", "force", and 丸 (maru) which means among other things "round".  In Japanese civilization, the circle is a symbol of equanimity and perfection, and considering of that, 丸 is also a Japanese dated suffix used in personal names. This is likewise related to the Ensō and Shunyata concepts.
  • It is possible that a character named Kakashi Hatake from Naruto anime series is modified after Rikimaru since they both somewhat resemble akin and has the mask on all the fourth dimension throughout the course. It is unknown if they e'er take it off when necessary.
  • For his game over scene in Tenchu: Wrath of Heaven, his sword will be planted over his burying site.



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